2. NEWS


  • 2023.12.14
    Announcing the addition of a new venue to the Decoration Case Studies!
  • 2023.12.07
    New facility introduction video content is now available!
  • 2023.11.06
    Announcing the addition of Event History from Roppongi Hills Arena
  • 2023.11.01
    Announcing the addition of 2 new venues to the Decoration Case Studies!
  • 2023.10.31
    Our Chatbot Function is Now Up and Running!
  • 2023.10.25
    Announcing the addition of 2 new venues to the Decoration Case Studies!
  • 2023.09.13
    Announcing the addition of 360°View function to the page of 1 venue on our website
  • 2023.08.10
    Announcing the addition of 360°View function to the page of 2 venues on our website
  • 2023.07.19
    Announcing the addition of 360°View function to the page of 1 venue on our website
  • 2023.06.16
    Announcing the addition of Event History from COREDO MUROMACHI TERRACE, Fukutoku Garden, Hama-rikyu Gardens
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